Friday, July 10, 2020

Employee Promotion

Promotions can be defined as the progression of an employee within the organization in terms of responsibilities, status, and increase salary level. It is considered as the upward movement of the organizational ladder (Chand, 2020) Promotion is a method of internal organizational movements (Bansal, 2020).


Promotions can be made on the merit basis or seniority basis. Merit basis means employee skills and qualifications while seniority mean employees years of service experience or service lengths. Organizations are more interested for merit-based promotions while trade unions are more interested in seniority-based promotions (University of California, 2014).


                Figure 1 – Source of Promotion (Source: University of California, 2014)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Seniority Basis Promotion

                Table 1- Pros and Cons of seniority-based Promotion
                (Source: Money Matters, 2020)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Merit Basis Promotion

                Table 2- Pros and Cons of merit-based Promotion
                (Source: Money Matters, 2020)

                Figure 2- Types of Promotions (Source: Chand, 2020)

  • Transparency – Should have clear promotion policies which emphasize the objectives, criteria for assessing employees for promotions, and clearly state the requirements needed for employees for promotions without any uncertainty.
  • Lack of pressure of any external parties – Company promotion policies should not be biased from any other external parties such as politicians, trade unions, etc.
  • Specific time period- Promotion opportunities should be informed within certain time period and need to provide sufficient time period to employees to apply for opportunities.
  • Proper rating method – Organizations should have proper job evaluation and rating plan and techniques to ensure the fairness of the process.
  • Training and consultation- Once selecting an employee for the promotion, it is essential to provide training for them in order to make aware about the task and duties and need to consult them via an immediate supervisor (Shawal, 2020)( Lowrie, 2020).

Bansal, S. P., 2020. Human Resource Management, s.l.: MHRD.

Chand,S.,2020.YourArticleLibrary.[Online]Availableat: [Accessed 5 July 2020].

HRWale,2013.HRWale.[Online]Availableat: [Accessed 5 July 2020].

Lowrie,L.,2020.Chron.[Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 July 2020].

MoneyMatters,2020.MoneyMatters.[Online] Available at:[Accessed 5 July 2020].

Shawal,M.,2020.YourArticleLibrary.[Online]Availableat: /69293[Accessed 5 July 2020].

Sheethal,P.,2020.BusinessmanagementIdeas.[Online]Availableat: human- resource- management- 2/ employee- promotion /employee promotion/20544 [Accessed 5 July 2020

University of California, 2014. Promotions.Transfers and Layoffs, s.l.: University of California.


  1. How we can measure the progress when it comes to promotions?

    1. Hi DElanka,I think considering the KPI of the employees of any organization can measure the progress of those employees

  2. Current Sri Lankan industrial promotions are not only based on performance. So how do you think,as a company how to give the promotions for their employees.

    1. Hi Buddima,I agree with your point. In addition to performance, other factors of employees must be taken into consideration when granting promotions. But more weight should be given to performance.

  3. Eranga,i think we have to move to new promotion methods and ignore traditional methods? What do you think about this?

    1. Hi Manujaya, yes.I also think the old promotion methods should be gradually changed to suit the present and the future. But not entirely.

  4. Eranga,In organizations for the promotions the management required both academic and working experience for the interviews. But they give priority for academic qualifications than working experience.Is this fair?

    1. Hi Manujaya ,This is not fair, priority should be given to experience and secondly academic qualifications should be taken into consideration.

  5. Dear Eranga, Sometimes promotions are not awarded the right person.How do you think we can avoid that & promote the righ person for the job?

    1. Hi Amila, Yes, as you say some companies will give these types of fraudulent promotions.But rather than appointing a separate person for this, that quality should be developed in the human resource manager of the organization

  6. Replies
    1. Hi dinuka I don't think promotions have an impact on non-attendance. Promotion can often have a positive effect on job satisfaction and motivation

  7. What are the importance of Promotion in any organization ?

    1. Hi Sandun,The key to promoting any organization is to enhance the job satisfaction of employees and increase their motivation. In addition, their organizational development on the institutional side.

  8. Do you think that promotions have a direct impact to the employee retention

    1. Hi Ajith, Promotions do not always directly affect employee retention. In addition to promoting employee retention, the work environment, the bond between employees, and the nature of the job will also be affected.

  9. promotion how affected effectiveness in origination?

  10. Hi Eranga, promoting people based on seniority is also used in some organizations. Is it an effective way to retain employees.

  11. Lot of organizations, promotions are done based on individual contributions. But we know may be the team is achieving the goals. How can do fair promotions to team and individuals.

  12. There are some most commonly made mistakes can see when giving promotions. What do you think.


Employee Promotion

Meaning of Promotion Promotions can be defined as the progression of an employee within the organization in terms of responsibilitie...