Friday, July 10, 2020

Employee Promotion

Promotions can be defined as the progression of an employee within the organization in terms of responsibilities, status, and increase salary level. It is considered as the upward movement of the organizational ladder (Chand, 2020) Promotion is a method of internal organizational movements (Bansal, 2020).


Promotions can be made on the merit basis or seniority basis. Merit basis means employee skills and qualifications while seniority mean employees years of service experience or service lengths. Organizations are more interested for merit-based promotions while trade unions are more interested in seniority-based promotions (University of California, 2014).


                Figure 1 – Source of Promotion (Source: University of California, 2014)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Seniority Basis Promotion

                Table 1- Pros and Cons of seniority-based Promotion
                (Source: Money Matters, 2020)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Merit Basis Promotion

                Table 2- Pros and Cons of merit-based Promotion
                (Source: Money Matters, 2020)

                Figure 2- Types of Promotions (Source: Chand, 2020)

  • Transparency – Should have clear promotion policies which emphasize the objectives, criteria for assessing employees for promotions, and clearly state the requirements needed for employees for promotions without any uncertainty.
  • Lack of pressure of any external parties – Company promotion policies should not be biased from any other external parties such as politicians, trade unions, etc.
  • Specific time period- Promotion opportunities should be informed within certain time period and need to provide sufficient time period to employees to apply for opportunities.
  • Proper rating method – Organizations should have proper job evaluation and rating plan and techniques to ensure the fairness of the process.
  • Training and consultation- Once selecting an employee for the promotion, it is essential to provide training for them in order to make aware about the task and duties and need to consult them via an immediate supervisor (Shawal, 2020)( Lowrie, 2020).

Bansal, S. P., 2020. Human Resource Management, s.l.: MHRD.

Chand,S.,2020.YourArticleLibrary.[Online]Availableat: [Accessed 5 July 2020].

HRWale,2013.HRWale.[Online]Availableat: [Accessed 5 July 2020].

Lowrie,L.,2020.Chron.[Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 July 2020].

MoneyMatters,2020.MoneyMatters.[Online] Available at:[Accessed 5 July 2020].

Shawal,M.,2020.YourArticleLibrary.[Online]Availableat: /69293[Accessed 5 July 2020].

Sheethal,P.,2020.BusinessmanagementIdeas.[Online]Availableat: human- resource- management- 2/ employee- promotion /employee promotion/20544 [Accessed 5 July 2020

University of California, 2014. Promotions.Transfers and Layoffs, s.l.: University of California.


Training is a process of learning which contributes to enhance individuals’ competencies (Knowledge, Skills. Attitudes) and change their behavior in a positive manner while assisting to determine competency gap between employees (Kum, Cowden, & Karodia, 2014) Similarly, training is a formal and organized process in order to deliver learning to individual to perform their jobs effectively (Armstrong, 2009).


According to the (Dessler, 2008) there are five main steps in training process

Figure 1 – Training process (Source: Dessler, 2008)

Step 1
Training need analysis – In order to identify whether there is an actual need for training, organizations are doing organizational need analysis (profit), task analysis(performance) and individual employee analysis (skill level) through surveys, performance evaluation etc.

Step 2
Determine the training type – Need to determine suitable training methods in order to avoid time consuming and meet the required criteria and should match with the individuals characteristics.

Step 3
Identify training goals and objectives- It is essentially need to identify goals and objectives related to training program and what is expected from employees to perform. Those goals and objectives should be clearly communicated within training participants.

Step 4
Implementation the training program- Training process implement with field experts and clearly communicate learnings to the participants by actively involving and getting experiential learning.

Step 5

Training evaluation – In this stage, measure the effectiveness of the training program using various evaluation methods such as evaluation forms, Kirkpatrick evaluation, Phillip’s ROI etc.

On-the-job training – This methods let employees to acquire learning while they are working in the workplace and get hand-on experience about performing job. This method is most cost-effective and employees can get immediate feedback. However, this method do not allow employees to gain new and outside knowledge.

Off-the-job training- This type trainings generally held from the outside of the organization and conduct as small groups such as 8-14 members. Such training are more useful for zero level employees who do not having ability to perform a given tasks (Vasanthi & Basariya, 2019).

 Figure 2- Types of Training (Source: Vasanthi & Basariya, 2019).

Figure 3 - Kirkpatrick evaluation model (Source: Topno, 2012)

1. Reaction - In this level, determine the training effectiveness through getting participants’ immediate feedback at the end of the program.

2. Learning- This level attempts to determine which extent training program has contributed to enhance participants’ knowledge and skills.

3. Behavior - In this level, attempts to identify behavioral changes of participants as a result of the training program.

4. Results- This level attempts to evaluate overall benefits to the organization from the training program (Topno , 2012)



Athar, R. & Shah, F. M., 2015. Impact of Training on Employee Performance (Banking Sector Karachi). IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 11(1), pp. 58-67.
Armstrong, M., 2009. Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Practice. 11th ed. s.l.: Kogan Page Limited.

Burrow,S.,2018.Dudaone.[Online]Availableat: [Accessed 5 July 2020].

Dessler, G., 2008. Human Resource Management. 11th ed. s.l.: Pearson International.
Elnaga, A. & Imran, A., 2013. The effect of training on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management, Volume 5(4), pp. 137-147.

Kum, F. D., Cowden, R. & Karodia, A. M., 2014. THE IMPACT OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY OF ESCON CONSULTING. Singaporean Journal of Business Economics and management studies, Volume 3(3).

Topno, H., 2012. Evaluation of Training and Development: An Analysis of Various Models. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 5(2), pp. 16-22.

Vasanthi, S. & Basariya, S. R., 2019. Pros and Cons of On the job training versus Off the job training. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8(10).

Employee Promotion

Meaning of Promotion Promotions can be defined as the progression of an employee within the organization in terms of responsibilitie...